VOC monitor for (Formaldehyde / Benzene / Toluene and TVOC)

  • VOC gas measuring range: 0.000 to 05.000 ppm
  • Accuracy: ±5%
  • Resolution: ≤ 0.1 ppm
  • Long term stability: ±0.5 %rH
  • Operating temperature: 0°C to +50°C
  • Operating humidity: 0 to 100 %rH (relative humidity)
  • Following is the relative sensitivity for various different vapors
– LPG / CNC, highly sensitive
– Formaldehyde (HCHO), highly sensitive
– Benzene, Toluene, moderately sensitive
– Gasoline and petroleum products, highly sensitive


  • Description
    • Wireless data logger receiver
    • 24×7 data logging capability
    • Wi-Fi data download
    • SD Card data download2/4/8/16GB information
    • New file created on daily basis
    • Readings with a variation of more that ±0.005 ppm is recorded on the SD card

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